For a while now i have been concerned that this blog would be seen as a representative voice for the views held by those at Shelly Beach Christian Life Centre. Ususally not a problem as the posts are ususally generic and invite comment from all directions of faith... This however can restrict comments in someway ......... so the blog must go on but with a new name and be open to all and with a new 'take no prisoners' attitude.........
any suggestions for a new name????
"Should The Austrlain Church Teach Tithing?"
"The Heretic Hunter"
"the Indulgence Bomber"
I always liked "Grahame".
"should the Austrlain church teach spelling?"
on the other hand steve you are a full-blown pentecostal, how bout just letting fly with some tongues:
"sdkh dswfhs wiefuiab fxawwuiufdb" has a nice ring to it??
how about poopy head?
that has a nice elegent ring to it.
the rev
how about the counter cultural christian?
i have to say that counter cultural christian is up there at the moment
Can you tell us how you are living counter culturally?
the rev
i was thinking along the lines of countering traditional christian culture...
so many of the things that we take to be 'christian' are nothing of the sort... eg. singing in church, belief in capitalism and or democracy as being the 'christian' way, that God needs our money more that ourselves...
i think this is where SS was coming from as he heard one of my book reviews at church where i was speaking along these lines.
I'm still thinking Grahame. Poopyhead aint bad either.
What about "Christian Chicken"...yeah reminds me of the sunday lunch/catch up after church in the 80's...and it can have double meaning...the chicken is the word of the lordy lord feeding us....
Christian Chicken
Christian Chicken
Christian Chicken
Christian Chicken Christian Chicken Christian Chicken
fully agree chromed but where i am coming from is along the lines that we syncretise some or a lot of the culture around us (ie democracy, capitalism, consumerism) with our idea of what christianity actually is.. and we can do it in our own churches when the way we do things (not wrong in themselves) becomes part of our belief system as to what Christianity actually is, so we end up doing a cultural thing thinking we are doing what Christ would have us do...
think of the time spent in worship in our churches as opposed to evangelising... and when we experience church growth we think we are doing something right when typical church growth comes from members of other churches
Chromed states: “We are never instructed to chase the back-slider”.
That is exactly why AT and others are protesting.
Christianity has lost its message of Grace. Has Chromed not heard of the ‘Parable of the Lost Sheep’ …
Obviously you are from the AOG or some lawful Group that uses the term “Backslider” in a derogatory way a lot.
Like the term “Tithe”, “Backslider” is not used in the Church (Lutheran) I grew up exposed to – until I started mixing with Pentecostals. Financial transparency and accountability have also been a hall mark of Lutheran and other mainline Churches.
Where is the heart and compassion for this ‘Backslider’ anyway, the one who has been ‘Lost’ … often at the hands of the Shepherds (Ezekiel 34).
The message I hear loud and clear from the Pentecostal and Contemporary Churches is “Be one of the 99 compliant, low-maintenance Sheep that can easily be fleeced or I won’t waste my time with you”.
Has Chromed not heard of the ‘Parable of the Lost Sheep’
absolutely agree with you lionfish. what's the reasn for a shepherd otherwise?
chromed, if you're such good friends with the pastors don't you could be biased?
denomminational idiosyncraces are all right until they become denomminaitonal doctrines which they do so often. if we all read the same bible how come we come up with so many different denommincations? we are never instructed to have so many denomminations.
i still can't get over the don't chase back-sliders rubbish. how narrow minded and arrogant.
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