how this for Christian tacky
yes its here the jesus toy
The Shelly Beach blogsite. Philosophy. Apologetics. Theology. Humour. Worship. Prayer requests. Comments.
Miroslav Volf contends that we are incapable of giving anything that obliges God to reciprocate. For what do we have that we did not receive? Obligation? God's or ours? Here's a thought from Volf: 'But rather than receiving something God needs but doesn't have, what God receives is delight - the lover's delight at the sight of the beloved whose very existence is that lover's gift. What God also receives is pain - the lover's pain when love has been betrayed.' The point is that we are incapable of offering God a gift in such a way that will move him to be other than he is already... totally towards us in grace.
How would you feel if your pastor announced from the pulpit that he had uncovered a “new revelation” in the Bible? His discovery: That a church leader can have more than one wife.
Hopefully, you and everyone in the building would run, not walk, out of that church and never come back until the pastor had been replaced. But I am afraid too many of us gullible charismatics might stay in the pews—and eventually give the guy a standing ovation plus a $10,000 love offering.