
The Shelly Beach blogsite. Philosophy. Apologetics. Theology. Humour. Worship. Prayer requests. Comments.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Cultural Elites vs Narnia

The curious rise of anti-religious hysteria
It is the Anglo-American cultural elites' insecurity about their own values that encourages their frenzied attacks on religion.

This is a bit long but worth the read... very educational on the divide between the post modern societal elites and those who believe in the concept of universal moral values

Sunday, January 22, 2006


on the previous post, lionfish left a link on oprah...

its a common way of thinking today... is she wrong? and if she is how can we respond in a way that shows the truth without making us look like we are whacking everyone with our 'truth' over the head...?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Science and Faith

(flogged this from Dr Chiangs website!)

Long before the distinction between faith and science became blurred, one of the greatest scientists in the 20th Century, Sir V.B. Wigglesworth (1899-1994)stated:
"The philosopher has no use for faith; that is why he speaks a totally different language from the scientist, whose entire system of thought is based on faith. It is curious to note how long it took for philosophers to recognize this obvious fact."
(from Wigglesworth, Insects and the Life of Man, London, Chapman and Hall, 1976, p.206)
He also stated in the same address: "For the laws of science, which are the immediate objects of our faith, are not regarded by the scientist as for ever true. They are temporary, provisional, or partial truths."
What does this mean for the evolution/creation debate?
It means that the scientific theory of evolution (molecule to man) is no more, or no less, valid than the Bible's account of creation. Both should be taught in schools since both depend on faith.

Should Biblical Creationism be taught in schools???

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The difference between Thomas and a sceptic

The skeptic says, “If Jesus would only show Himself to me—if God would just work one dramatic miracle—then I’d believe in Him.” This kind of person overestimates himself. Even miracles can be denied or dismissed.
During Jesus’ passion week in Jerusalem, he was called to nearby Bethany because his friend Lazarus was dying. By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus was gone. In a dramatic scene Jesus called him forth from the tomb alive, still wrapped in burial cloths.
This was a spectacular miracle performed in public for all to see. What was the response of the Jewish leaders? They plotted Jesus’ death. "This man is performing many signs. If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." (John 11:47-48)
But Jesus wasn’t the only one they wanted to eliminate. They also had to get rid of another piece of evidence: "But the chief priests took council that they might put to death Lazarus also; because on account of him many of the Jews were going away, and were believing in Jesus." (John 12:10-11)
Incredible! Instead of falling to their knees in response to this obvious display of Messianic power, they conspire to kill the very man whose public resurrection was proof positive of their error.

This is unbelievable unbelief.

You think if God just did a miracle it would change your rebellious heart? Don’t count on it. Jesus said, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead” (Luke 16:31).

As one wag put it, a skeptic with such an experience would not seek God, he’d seek a psychiatrist.

Oh so true. The sun melts butter…but it hardens clay.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Does God really exist?

I was recently challenged to prove that God exists at all... here is my answer and if you click here you can see some attempts to disprove my thoughts (in the new window scroll down to comment 113 and read on)

there are more arguements than these but it is my contention that these arguements are reasonably conclusive.

there is nothing stopping you or anyone else arbitrarily saying that this is not good enough proof, but i use them as a cumulative case. of course these arguements are only to prove the existence of ‘a god’(theism) and not necessarily the Judeo/Christian belief of Jehovah……….

Moral arguement

a. Moral Laws exist (it is wrong to commit murder)
b. Moral Laws are not voted on (if we voted to allow people to murder Africans, it wouldn’t make it morally right)
c. Moral Laws are absolute and are there for all people all the time in all cultures in all history (otherwise it would be impossible to condemn the actions of Hitler)
d. Moral Laws indicate a moral lawgiver (humans know from their conscience that these morals are there and shouldnt be confused with an instinct)
e. This moral lawgiver would by definition be ‘God’


a. Humans are looking for meaning in thier lives
b. Only a creator gives meaning
c. If the creator does not have a relationship with the created then the created has no meaning (i cannot gain meaning from the things i create - they gain meaning from me)
d. Therefore for humans to have meaning .. there must be something above us and we have to be in a relationship with it
e. this ’something’ would by definition be our ‘god’ our ‘creator’ although this does not enlighten us as to his character

Cosmological arguement

All things in nature are caused.
Nothing in nature can cause itself.
Therefore, everything that is caused is caused by something other than itself.
A causal chain cannot stretch infinitely backward in time.(if could we would never reach the present, therefore even time had a begining and was caused)
If the causal chain cannot stretch infinitely backward in time, there must be a first cause which is separate from nature.
the uncaused first cause which designed and caused everything would by definition be our ‘god’.
Therefore, a ‘god’ exists although this does not enlighten us as to his character

Ontological argument

If God exists then his existence is necessary
If God does not exist then his existence is impossible
God’s existence is possible
Therefore God exists

Telelogical arguement

there are exists in nature things that can only be explained by design. (there only has to be one thing in nature for this arguement to hold)
this designer would by definition be its (or our) creator and therefore god

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders arguement

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders exist
Therefore there Must be a god!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Iraq revisited

this is funny

thats all im going to say

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I am not an anti potter zelot but at the same time our 'secular' culture has an ever increasing interest in the supernatural...

have a further read here

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Depressed the holidays are over?

Just back from a terrific holliday with a bunch of friends to forster... skiing surfing swimming movies eating eating eating relaxing... Nathan got stung by 2 jelly fish Swany kicked off a toenail golf tennis card games jenga scattagories table tennis etc etc etc

How were your holidays?