
The Shelly Beach blogsite. Philosophy. Apologetics. Theology. Humour. Worship. Prayer requests. Comments.

Friday, October 21, 2005

New Additions!!


Congratulations to Benny and Cassie.
What a gorgeous little (9.1lb !) bundle of joy

Mother doing well. Father last seen jumping wildly for joy somewhere in the Nth Avoca area. If seen call 000, do not approach or poke with a stick, will cry and try to hug you and tell you incessantly about the light of his life for hrs on end!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

wedding feast

hey wasn't the wedding feast a raging unmitagated success!!

i am quite willing to admit that prior to the day i was really skeptical as to how many people would turn up. I thought 'if we get 50 we will be doing really well!' i have never been so glad to have been proven wrong...

we had a few commitments on the day, do we know who they are? and are we following them up? cause right about now they are probably coming down off a high and realising that this is not a sprint but a marathon they have signed up for.

Golf Day

there is a golf day for the blokes this saturday see or speak to anthony welch for details.

we're back

Finally the shellybeachblog is back on line.

sorry folks but i had 2 weeks with viruses all through my computer and couldn't do anything online.